Our Labor Day weekend was anything but a labor free weekend. We were moving everyday of that weekend and several days into the following week. We fed friends from church on Friday, had more friends over on Saturday for BBQ, games and some Rockband!! Sunday my parents came to visit and Monday we went to see Adam's mother. We ended up going up to where her dad was born and going out on the small lake in her husband's boat. It was a lot of fun for us. The kids and Adam had so much fun, and that made it a good day for me. I didn't have to talk much, just enjoy watching my family have some fun on the water. Kameron and Kaydence both went out on the tube at a slow speed with Adam. They loved it!!!! Neither one of them wanted to get off. They were full of smiles and they were waving at the boat. Adam also took a shot at kneeboarding. I wasn't sure if he was going to be able to do it, but he sure did. Hopped up there the first try and was going strong. He tried to do a trick, turning around in the water, but didn't make it and we lost him. Circled back and he tried a few more times. He was doing pretty good. We had gotten up there later in the afternoon, so the boat wasn't too long of a ride, had a quick dinner and headed back home. Tuesday brought Science lessons and a visit to grandma's job. On Wednesday, we took a field trip to the local animal hospital and AWANA was that night. Kameron had learned the Bible verse and was able to get his vest and little AWANA book and bag. He was super excited about that! Thursday we went bowling with our homeschool group and Friday was supposed to be a park day, but we got rained out!!

Saturday, just a few days ago, Adam and I marched in Fort Worth, protesting big Gov., way to much spending, the health care bill, and those stupid czars. It was raining the whole day, but we had fun and it felt great to be apart of something meaningful. I was asked about my shirt a few times, and when I told people we were homeschooling, I was told that it was great! One lady was homeschooling too, another her daughter was doing it. One couple knew of a family that homeschooled and their kids were doing great, college at 16 and 17. It made me feel great to hear success stories!! Hopefully Washington will take note of the people that came out and actually attempt to listen to what was being said and expressed. I can't even understand how Congress is going to vote on something that so few of them have read. 1017 pages??? Are you kidding me?? I think if they all read the bill, that they could see that it is doing more then is being said, and not doing other things that are being promised. Such big irrational changes are needed, and if we slow down and think, we can figure out better and smarter ideas. To actually think that insuring that many Americans won't add anything to our debt is probably one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. I was shocked when he said that. I'm proud to be an American, and I don't want to see this country go astray. I want my kids to enjoy the same freedoms that we enjoy. Pray for this country, that it doesn't fall apart at the hands of unseen people with their own agendas. Pray Hard!!