Organization is key to living smoothly. Okay, that is my opinion LOL. I've been trying so hard lately to get more organized. I just know that as soon as I can get everything in it's place and a place for everything, my life will run more smoothly. I very much believe this and have been working on it. I've been dejunking, which is the first step. I so hope to have everything done soon, but I'm not going to stress. I'm going to celebrate the small steps as they come. Kameron's room is done. I love it. When I walk into it, and its clean, I just feel better. I know that once the rest of the house has the organization that his room does, I will be great. I started by organzing all his toys into buckets. Then, I took pictures of the buckets and labeled them and put a spot for them on the shelves. Like this:

After I had all the buckets on the shelves (10 of them) I showed Kameron where everything goes. I talked to him about putting something back when he was done playing and how to find where something goes. I like that the buckets can be pulled off the shelves and played with. Once he is done, he can just put everything back in the bucket and back to the shelf it goes. When everything is put away, it looks like this:

Tell me that it doesn't look great. Sorry, I'm really excited about it. I know that it will be so much better for him to clean and play. Before, it was a huge toybox and you couldn't find same pieces if your life depended on it LOL. I so love this. I can't wait to tackle the rest of the house. I've been working on my office/scrapbook room and I'll let you know when that is complete. It is looking so much better too. I can't wait.
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