Saturday, September 27, 2008

Long Time, No See

Wow, what a crazy few weeks we have had here at the Marley household. So many things have happened, it will be crazy to even list them all. So, I will only do a few of the major ones. Here goes:

1. Hurricane Ike heads towards Galveston, with landfall projected to be somewhere in the middle of the night.
2. The day before the storm, Kaydence stops breathing, not once, but twice. Called 911 and had her taken to the hospital about 12 hours before Ike was supposed to hit. Doctors decided that she need to be at a better children's hospital, so Memorial Herman Children's, here we come. The first ambulance service that showed up to transport us, no go. Too windy, wouldn't do it. Second one said they would so here we are, with 55 miles per hour winds heading closer to the storm as we head to downtown Houston, with Adam speeding behind us in the truck. Arrive at the hospital and bunker in. We have to get ID bracelets because anyone without one is out of there.
3. Spend the night during a major hurricane locked inside the 10th floor of a hospital. You could hear the wind whipping around. We never lost power, and were able to maintain the power without a generator. Other hospitals weren't so lucky.
4. Talked with families, all were okay, just no power. Not having power sucks, bytheway. Massive cleanup was started and will continue for quite some time.
5. Meanwhile, at the hospital, they start to do every test known to man on my baby girl. A CAT scan, an EEG, a MRI, blood work daily, breathing monitoring equipment at night, and temperature and blood pressure check every 6 dang hours. Wow, what a mouth full. But yep, it all happened. So, after 6 days of testing, meeting with all kind of doctors, and some more testing we should have some answers. Well, it's kinda hard to determine what caused a 14th month old to stop breathing for almost a minute. Was it seizures? Not as far as they can tell? Sleep apnea? Nope, doesn't look like that either. As best as can be determined, she had a viral infection about 10 days before the hospital visit began. It lowered her blood count so critically low that she passed out. She was at a 7 when she should have been at a 11.5. So, we have to watch her diet, give her iron enriched vitamins and overall, pay attention to her showing signs of being weak.
6. Lorie turns 25, omg, that means I'm right behind her. I didn't even get to see her for her birthday and the little present I had wasn't wrapped or anything. I plan on taking her to check out some resale shops about 30 minutes from here. Hey, that's what she wants, so I gotsa give a gal what she wants!!!!
7. Get home to no power with 7 adults and 3 kiddos living in a house with only a generator to keep us going. Thank goodness for city water and gas appliances. We were able to cook and have hot showers. Since I was at the hospital, I didn't experience the grunt of the power outage, but I would have rather dealt with that then be worried about my baby girl like that.
8. Power back on, life is starting to return to normal. Grocery stores sill are trying to catch up, not much food around and defiantly no dang blasted baking soda. One day I will have some again. Some friends of mine still don't have power, so I still worry, but they think it will be on soon.
9. Receive a early birthday present. I'm actually typing on it right now. That's right, I got a new laptop for school. And let me tell you, it's been awesome. When I got out of one class early, I was able to log on to my other online class and complete some of the work for it waiting at the campus for my next class to start. It was brilliant!!! Thank you Adam so dang much, I love you babe!!!
10. Getting ready for a wedding tomorrow. Not much with that going on. Trying to help Adam memorize his speech, since he is the best man and all. So, hopefully everything will go over okay.

Well, looks like I wrote quite a bit more then I thought I was going to. Once I started writing, it seemed easier to get down. I have been reading everyone's blogs, and it seems like everyone I read up on is doing okay. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do. Have a great weekend!!!
P.S. Sorry it's so long!!!!!


April said...

I am so glad to hear you guys are all ok. So scary about Kaydence. You handled it great. You have had a lot going on haven't you? Miss ya.

Muggle Mom said...

that is so crazy about kaydence! i'm glad she's okay. how scary! congrats on the new laptop! :)