History was made last night, and I'm not so sure that it was good history. The United States elected the first Black president. I worry so much for our country and the changes that it is going to go through. Not because he is Black, I promise you it isn't because he is Black, but because of what he wants to try to change. He sure had great sounding ideas throughout his campaign, but didn't have ways to pay for it. The money has to come from somewhere, and I can bet you anything it is going to be us.
I will be praying for our country a lot more in the coming months as he starts to take over. Praying for no assassination attempts, for no foul play on Bush's part as he leaves the White House, and for the American people to remain confident in their decision to elect a President with the limited experience he has, who went to a Church for 20 years lead by a Preacher who is anti-American and whose middle name is Hussein. Granted, you can't judge a man by his middle name, but he sure didn't want it talked about.
I prayed during this election that people would chose to vote for him based on his views, but it looks like it didn't happen. This morning watching the news, you see hundreds and hundreds of people being interviewed saying how they were glad that a Black person was President and that is why they voted, because he was Black. What about the issues that are going to impact our country once the "we have the first Black President" wears off? How is the country going to recover from all of the mess that it has been in since the economy crashed? How are we going to handle same sex marriages that go against everything the Bible teaches? Those are things that are important to me. Color shouldn't have been an issue, I thought we were all past that. It just doesn't make sense to me. I don't understand it.
I did vote. I voted for McCain. Not because he is white, but because I could agree with him most on the issues. "If you don't vote, then you can't complain." That is what we told Kameron as we took turns going to go vote. He is still more liberal then I would like, but he wasn't as liberal as Obama.
So the next four years will be a lesson. A time to see if all the promises he made can actually happen. I told Adam that I thought that gas prices were going to rise once he got elected. I hope I'm not right. I think that he isn't going to be able to keep all the promises he made. I think America is in for a tough time. He is inheriting 2 wars and an economy that is doing so horrible. He has very little experience and he is starting out in one of the roughest times in America's history.
Pray for our country as we begin these changes. Pray for our leaders who make the decisions that affect each and every one of us. Pray that they will be guided to do what is best for America and not themselves or some big company. Pray that even though we were divided in the election, that we can come together now and do what is best for America, so that we can all prosper and survive. Just Pray!
I'm sorry if this offends anyone. I just had all these thoughts running through my head and I wanted to get them down on something. Since my blog is my journal, I wanted to write them here.
1 comment:
That was perfectly written. I completely agree with you. This morning I was a nervous wreck and so I have really picked up with my prayers. We just have to pray that our country will make it through this. I am disappointed that so many voted purely on the racial issue instead of the political one.
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