Last year we planted a garden. It was a decent size and produced well for our knowledge and skills. This year we have educated ourselves and expanded our garden, by more then 5 times we had it last year. I couldn't get a full picture of it either, I'm going to try climbing on a ladder, to get a full view of it, so we will see. We planted a ton of things. It is going to be so good if everything grows. I'm so excited. This has really been Lorie's and I project, with Adam offering advice and labor every once in a while. We planted tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, bell peppers, hot peppers, banana peppers, basil, green onions, yellow onions, cilantro, parsley, chives, eggplant, bush beans, pinto beans, mint, strawberries and a few other things that I can't think of right now. Lorie, help me out and tell me what I'm missing :) Lorie saw an idea of turning an old tire inside out and we got Adam to cut the tire and turn it inside out. We spray painted them and used them to plant some beans. We planted the peas and cucumbers along the fence and have 3 rows of tomatoes. Can't wait to can and freeze tomatoes and stop buying them at the store!! I also planted 4 bushes of blackberries along one side of the property, I so can't wait for those to be ready to harvest. Yum, jelly, ice cream, and frozen berries, so excited!!! Here are a few pictures, I'll explain what each one is so you know what you are looking at.
This is the back part of the garden. The back row is the peas and cucumbers along the fence. The small timbered row is our strawberries. Then tomatoes and some yellow onions. The stepping stones are a tree that we lost during Ike that Adam cut up to use as stepping stones.
This is a close-up of our yellow onions. See how they are already doing good, it's been a month since we planted. They aren't very big underneath, but we can use the top as green onions while they keep growing.

This is some of the peas growing on the fence. Almost all of them have grown up enough to grab onto the fence to start climbing.

This is the front area of the garden, looking at this picture, on the left, are 3 more rows of veggies, and on the right are the tires with the bush beans and a few tomato plants we have left over.

This is the tire with pinto beans growing. They are doing awesome. Please excuse the white dust, it's seven dust. We've been fighting some stubborn ants and hopefully this will be the end of them. They've gone from the bed to the tire and hopefully this is it.

Your garden is freaking awesome!
That looks so great!! I don't have near that much space. You are going to have food overflowing in your garden this year!!
that is awesome! it's looks beautiful! let me know if you need help partaking of any extras. ;)
Rosemary and Okra too! Im totally excited by the whole thing but the hot humid summer will be the test of our endurance!! LOL We can do it!!!
Wow!!! You guys did awesome. I hope it all grows produces until you don't what to do with it all! I am jealous that it is already time for you to plant...I still have weeks before the ground even thaws here!
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