Monday, August 27, 2007

My Goals for Today

Well, today I plan on getting the house cleaned up from yesterday. We had some family over and had dinner. I cooked Taco Salad. It was yummy and that is probably how we are going to cook it from now on. For dessert, I made Apple Dumplings. I can't find them on Martha Stewart's website to show you. They were really good. They took some work, but everybody said that they enjoyed them. I was happy that everything turned out good. I plan on getting my son's room cleaned good enough for him to sleep in. I have a lot to do to get it to that point. I plan on trying to mop our huge living room floor, but I don't know about that one. My mop got left outside and it is pretty dirty. Well, I better get started on my chores. Wish me luck. Maybe if I get everything done that I want to, I can scrap something. My sister-in-law was telling me about this site, This is me Journal Blog, and it seems pretty cool. I think that I might start trying to work on some of those challenges, and get some more pages done for Kaydence's album.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Problem of the Day

So today I was, no, today I am, getting my house cleaned. Including the dreaded 3 year old's room. That place is a mess. Well, I'm sitting down to feed Kaydence, and low and behold, Kameron manages to scrap half the skin off of his underarm. He said that the wall did it. So I'm trying to convince Kaydence that she needs to eat a little faster while trying to help soothe Kameron. While she is eating, she poops. You know that breastfed babies only poop runny so guess what fun I had in store for me later!!! She finishes eating and I go to the bathroom to the the peroxide, band-aid and neosoporin. As Kameron is crying from the peroxide, Kaydence is pretty mad that I haven't changed her yet. I get Kameron bandaged up and take Kaydence to her room for the much needed diaper change. As I remove the diaper, in goes her foot into it. Yeah, now I have poop all over her toes. Get those cleaned with a washcloth and finish cleaning her bottom and everywhere else. While I'm doing this, the onsie gets poop on it in several places. So, now we are changing clothes. What a joy. As I am taking off the dirty one, Kameron comes running in, practically crying, because he has to go potty. I'm telling him to just go, and he says, "I can't, my arm is broken and I need to hold my pee-pee." Well, good grief, I get Kaydence in her swing and help Kameron get his underwear down so he can sit on the potty. Man, I'm glad that all of the problems are over, if only Kameron would stop walking around with his arm in the air because he is afraid that the band-aid will come off.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


So I was browsing KingwoodUnderground today and starting reading about an E-bay posting for some pokemon cards. I was directed to this website. I found the funniest stories about being a mom and couldn't believe how many hits her blog was getting. I decided that I should write about her and try to get my blog up and going again at the same time.