Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Landscaping 101

We've been here for almost 6 years and have never done anything more to our yard besides the small flower beds up by the front of our house. This year, we really wanted to add more to our yard area and give the driveway some "curb appeal". So we've been steady adding to the yard. We have a while to go, but it all costs money, so we've been adding a little every payday. I love the things around the tree, can't wait for the flowers to grow!! So here are a few pictures of what we've been working on.
Our hanging jalapeno plant on the porch!

The small flower bed around a few trees. I have a long way to go with that, but I'm working on it!

Our flower bed that I've planted every year, this year it's doing awesome, we blocked off the porch so the dog can't climb that way and it has protected the bed. I should have a rose in a week or so!

Our curb appeal lol! Adam came up with the idea to make the flower bed around the fence, we did it on both sides, but I couldn't get a good picture, had to be too far out, but both sides are the same. We have two solar powered spot lights that illuminate our names at night, it's awesome!

Our small fountain/fish tank. Kameron wanted some fish to go it in like he has seen at the garden center at Wal-Mart so I let him pick out two goldfish and they are swimming around in there.

I added pictures of the fruit trees that we planted to that original post!

1 comment:

April said...

I love what you have done. I want to add some stuff to our house this year too. Great ideas. You guys are definitely on the right track!:)