Sunday, June 01, 2008

I'm Hooked

So, I wasn't going to read them, who wanted to read a book about vampires right? Well, it turns out that I did!! Several times to be exact. Who would have thought that the Twilight Series would have captured my attention like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. I just didn't see it coming. A friend of mine, Nicole, was talking about it on her blog, so I ordered the 1st book from Amazon. I started it at11:30 the night it came in and finished it the next morning at 3:45. I read nonstop for 4 hours. It was awesome. I messaged her at 3:45 and told her I was going to be needing the next one in the series. I overnighted the 3rd one to me from Amazon. I finished all three of them in 2 days. They are crazy good. It's so hard to describe them to someone, talking about vampires and werewolves, people decide they don't want to start. If they only knew what they were missing. They were so good and I can't wait until August 2 for the 4th one to come out, Breaking Dawn. WOOOHOOO!! Thanks Nicole, for introducing them to me.

They are making a movie for the first book, Twilight. This is a preview for the movie. Looks Good!!


Muggle Mom said...

i'm just glad to have a fellow twilighter! :) i got my eclipse special edition yesterday...the first chapter of breaking dawn was SO good! :)

Beka said...

Rub it in why don't cha???

Looks like I will be paying you a visit in the next few days LOL!!

April said...

I haven't heard of these but now I think I will have to give them a chance. :)

Shelly M. said...

Loved these books and can't wait for the movie. Pardon the pun, but they really suck you in.

Heather said...

Hey I am leaving you a comment! lol I knew a girl who was crazy in love with these books. She was all about the movie coming out!