Monday, July 28, 2008


I always find myself there, regardless of what other errands I had to run. I always end up spending some time there. It's almost like an addiction, one that I feed by walking around, trying to find a good deal. The thing about Wal-Mart, they want it to be one stop shopping. Why go anywhere else, when everything you need is there. I will find myself at other stores, comparing Wal-Mart prices to theirs. I hate it, I wish I could just buy the product and support someone other then Wal-Mart. They paid our bills for a while, then just put us out on the curb. It is a love hate relationship I have with them. When we get a few more bills paid off and down, I have a goal to start shopping elsewhere. Regardless if it is a few more cents or even a dollar or two, I want to be able to say that I hardly shop at Wal-Mart. But I know that will be a long time coming. I am always on the hunt for good deals, like the one I found today. I couldn't pass it up, I couldn't justify not getting them. And I didn't even need to go to Wal-Mart. I was supposed to be going to the bank and meeting my Brother-in-Law. No where in my agenda today was Wal-Mart. But, there I was, in the toy section, looking around with Kameron. We walked by the Leapster section, I was checking out the games ( I have to replace a game that got broken that Kameron is so upset about). Looking down, what do I see, 2 different games clearanced. Not for 15 or even 10.....5 BUCKS!!! They were 25 dollar games marked down to 5 bucks each. How do you walk away from that?? You don't I guess, you get them and add them to the Christmas stash in the bedroom. But see, when you find something like that, you can't help but stop next time you are close, hoping for another awesome deal like that......Addiction, what a horrible thing!! :)

1 comment:

April said...

I am the same way with Target. I have been finding great stuff on the clearance racks so I was going back everyday for a week looking around for some more great deals. LOL.